About me

  • Google Map is my best friend as I am terrible with directions.

  • I love to cook. My signature dish is homemade mushroom risotto.

  • I believe it is important to adopt a growth mindset. By changing the way you think, you can change the way you learn.

The Permanent Makeup Process

Permanent Makeup, like any other cosmetic treatment, is a process. Please be advised that this process includes a consultation, an initial session (the application of the pigment), and at least one or more touch-up sessions (second colour application) to check healed results and evaluate colour and shape.

  • The first step to giving you a new look is to book an appointment.
    * You can book the consultation and procedure for the same day.

    Appointments can be made by:

    Text: 082 783 4392
    Email: info@precisionartistry.co.za

    **There is no downtime, however, after the procedure the pigmented area may be red, swollen, or scabby. It is suggested not to schedule any big events for the first week.

  • Shaping and Pigments

    Our custom appointment begins with a consultation. We will explain the permanent makeup process and answer any questions.

    Your medical history will be checked to assess your suitability for the treatment. You will be asked to fill out paperwork (consent form).

    We will discuss your expectations and advise how permanent makeup can be used to enhance.

    your features. We will then design the enhancement, first drawing it on your skin with a cosmetic pencil and measuring tools. This allows you to visualize a new look. We will discuss the colour of pigments that will be used.

  • Topical Numbing, Machine Work
    Before and during your permanent makeup procedure, we will use a topical anaesthetic cream to numb the skin, ensuring you remain as comfortable as possible through the treatment.

    On the day of your permanent makeup treatment, please allow 2 hours, 3 hours max (should you book consultation together with the procedure) from start to finish.

    The technician will apply the pigment into the top layers of the skin. You will feel a slight stinging or scratching in the pigmented area.

  • Follow the instructions
    You will be informed about proper care, receive instructions, and aftercare ointment. Outer healing completes in 7-10 days.Item description

  • Perfecting shape & colour boost
    Please remember it is your responsibility to contact us after 4 weeks post-procedure to schedule your Perfecting Session (touch up session).

    Even if you have good retention after the initial procedure, it is important to have your first touch-up to help prolong the results.

Please remember that like any cosmetic procedure this is a process. Do not expect immediate results and please be patient. It will be a few weeks before you can fully appreciate the final results.​

*In rare occasions, some clients may need a second Touch up session. You must wait 4 weeks from your first touch-up session to determine and schedule if you will need a second touch-up session.